Friday, May 15, 2009

Laser Therapy Xtrac Excimer Laser ReLume Light

Vitiligo, Chronic Psoriasis & Stretch

What Is The Xtrac Excimer Laser And ReLume Light Device?

These technologies represent one of the newest great advances in laser dermatology. They emit narrow band ultraviolet B light and have been shown to promote re-pigmentation in those who have lost pigment in their skin. They have also been shown to improve chronic stable plaque psoriasis, and aged white stretch marks.

What Is Vitiligo And How Is It Treated?
Vitiligo is a condition where the human body inhibits the pigment producing process of the skin's pigment cells. A series of treatments can often lead to dramatic re-pigmentation of the skin. Pigment can also be lost in the skin after a variety of surgical procedures and traumatic accidents. Examples include the white scars after facelifts and aggressive facial laser procedures such as carbon dioxide laser resurfacing. A variety of burns and other traumatic accidents may also lead to hypopigmented scars. We have researched the role of these treatments in the treatment for chronic stretch marks that have lost their pigment. Treatment is undertaken in a series of laser sessions. Improvement is the general rule. Occasional touch-up booster sessions may be required. Treatment is absolutely painless.

Can My Psoriasis Be Treated?

Psoriasis is a scaly skin eruption that often has a genetic basis. There are many different versions of psoriasis. Chronic, previously treatment resistant, plaque psoriasis may respond to a series of treatments. Treatment may be faster than most currently available treatments. Treatment is undertaken in a series of laser sessions. Improvement is the general rule. Occasional touch-up booster sessions may be required. Treatment is absolutely painless.

How Can I Fade My Stretch Marks With Laser Treatments?

Early red stretch marks can be improved with the pulsed dye laser. However, older stretch marks show both whitening of the skin (hypopigmentation) and thinning of the skin (atrophy). Although there is no treatment for the atrophy, a new and innovative treatment technique (the Xtrac laser and ReLume light source) has recently been developed for the treatment of the white skin associated with stretch marks. The laser emits short powerful pulses of ultraviolet light that stimulate the pigment-producing cells of the skin (melanocytes) to make melanin. The melanin results in a darkening of the white stretch marks and brings the stretch mark skin closer to the natural color of the surrounding skin. By decreasing the whiteness of the stretch marks and making the skin color more normal, the stretch marks become much less noticeable.

Although many “over-the-counter” remedies claim to remove or improve stretch marks, only the Xtrac laser and ReLume light source have been shown in clinical studies to improve the appearance of mature white stretch marks. Therefore, it is the only proven, FDA approved, treatment available for this common problem.

Is There Pain With Laser Treatment Of Stretch Marks?

There is no pain from the procedure. The most the patient feels is a slightly warm sensation. Over the first 24-48 hours, the skin in the treated area may turn a light pink as with a mild sunburn. The skin will then gradually darken after multiple treatments. There is no bleeding and no open wound so band-aids and other dressings are usually not needed.

What Are Expected Results?

It is important to remember that laser treatment of stretch marks does not make the skin look completely normal. The treatment makes the marks appear less noticeable but they are still present. Some patients have greater improvement than others. At present, it is impossible to predict what the exact degree of improvement will be for any given patient with stretch marks. However, virtually all patients show some degree of improvement in stretch marks that were untreatable in the past.

Tattos, Birthmarks, Age Spots and Melasma

How Do Lasers Remove Unwanted Pigments in the Skin?

Laser therapy is one of the most exciting treatments for removing unwanted pigments in the skin such as melasma, age spots, freckles and tattoos. Lasers work by emitting a specialized light that is passed through the skin and preferentially absorbed by its target, be it and unwanted hair, vein, or in this case, the unwanted pigment in the skin. The laser causes the pigments to break up and disappear leaving you with smooth clear skin. There are several lasers available that work remarkably well in treating unwanted pigmentation.

Which Laser Should I Choose?

Skin Laser & Surgery Specialists of New York & New Jersey is proud to offer a wide variety of laser/light sources to treat unwanted pigmentation and tattoos. This allows us to treat the widest variety of patients and situations. Each option performs best for different types of patients and needs. Our doctors will assess the laser that is best for you.

What Can I Expect from the Procedure?

Most people describe the treatment feeling like a rubber band snap. You may be given a topical anesthetic cream to numb the area to be treated. Any discomfort can be eased with the application of cool compresses. After treatment, you can immediately return to your normal activities.

Will Insurance Cover the Cost?

Laser treatments of tattoos and pigments, like other cosmetic procedures are not usually covered by your insurance company. If you have any questions, it is best to talk with your provider.

How many Treatments will I need to fully remove the Unwanted Pigment or Tattoo?

Depending on the type of pigment in your skin, it can be gone in as little as one to two sessions. When dealing with tattoos, the average, professional tattoo requires more than 6-8 treatments, while amateur tattoos require more than 3-4 treatments, all spaced approximately at least 6 weeks apart. The number of treatments depends on the amount and type of ink used, and the depth of the ink in the skin. The treatment of melasma is more complicated and may require the use of a variety of lasers, laser-like technologies and other treatment approaches.

Do All Colors of Ink Disappear Equally as Well?

No, dark (blue/black and green) and red inks fade the best. Purple may also respond. Yellow is very difficult to remove, although it may fade somewhat.

Can Unwanted Pigmentation Come Back?

Most unwanted pigmentary problems do not return. However, some birthmarks may recur after several months or years. Treatments can be repeated to achieve the desired results. Melasma may need ongoing periodic treatments.

Will Tattoos Completely Disappear?

In some cases, yes. Greater than 95% fading of the tattoo may be accomplished. However, it is very important to know that over 100 tattoo inks are in use worldwide today, none of which are regulated by the FDA. Not knowing which tattoo ink, how much was used, or how deep it was placed in the skin makes it impossible for the physician to predict the degree of removal on any given tattoo.

What Type of Post-treatment Care is Necessary?

Occasionally there will be pinpoint bleeding associated with the treatment. An antibacterial ointment and a dressing will be applied to the area. The treated area should be kept clean with continued application of any ointment given to you by your physician. A shower can be taken the next day, although the treated area should not be scrubbed.


  1. few weeks ago i left some pains and i want to the hospital my doc told me i had HPV about 1 year and i need to start the treatment early he gave me some medicine to be taking and i told him no i will not because i hated taking medicine when i wont not see cure for the purpose after i got home i started getting worried searching for strong advice and i found valid natural treatment online lot people says they got HPV cure from Dr onokun and i email Dr onokun 3 days passed i purchase his cure online some weeks after the process taking his treatment i got cured i went for checkup twice after taking the natural treatment from the herbalist called Dr onokun and i tested negative contact him on email

  2. Photodynamic treatment: This is another mix treatment including skin prescriptions and light. The treatment includes applying photosensitizing specialists to improve the impact of light on the skin. The light's tones are either blue or red and are directed in a beat design. As in other laser treatments, redness and enlarging are the results of this treatment. Also, the skin might hull and-unexpectedly skin break out breakouts might happen.
